Illinois Recreational Access Program (IRAP)
What is IRAP?
The Illinois Recreational Access Program (IRAP) leases private property from landowners throughout Illinois to provide public access for specific outdoor activities. These activities are restricted to specific dates, times and number of persons allowed. All IRAP participants must first register with IDNR, sign a liability waiver, and make a reservation to use a specific site or a hunter must complete an application and be assigned a specific hunting area. In exchange for the lease, IRAP pays the landowner a nominal fee, provides liability insurance coverage and works with the landowner to make a habitat management plan and assists with the implementation of specific habitat practices.
IRAP leases private property from landowners to provide public access for specific activities. These activities are restricted to specific dates, times and number of persons allowed. All IRAP participants must first register with IDNR and make a reservation to use a specific site or a youth hunter must apply and be assigned a specific hunting area:
- Youth Turkey Hunting (Youth Season, Regular Seasons 3 & 4)
- Adult Turkey Hunting (Spring Season 3 & 4)
- Sports Fishing in private impoundments,and along stream banks of public waterways (April 1 – Sept. 30) Sunrise to Sunset, Fri-Mon
- Archery Deer Hunting (October 1 – 31)
- Waterfowl Hunting (November 1 – December 31)
- Upland Game Hunting (December)
- Squirrel and Rabbit Hunting (August, September and December)
To learn more about this program, please visit the IDNR site here.
IRAP access is provided through cooperation of private landowners and the IL Dept of Natural Resources.
Participating in this program is a special privilege.
Please be respectful, ethical and safe.
Leave site as you found it – Take ALL garbage with you.
Park vehicle in designated parking area.