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Lake Information

County: Macoupin

Acreage: 155

Average Depth: 9.00 feet

Shoreline Length: 5.5 miles

Recreational Amenities

Boat Fishing? Bank Fishing Only

Boat Ramps? Yes

Boat Rental? No

Skiing? No

Swimming? Yes

Picnicking? Yes

Camping? Yes

There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fish Stocking






Channel Catfish

Non-vulnerable 8 - 10"


Additional information for stocking on Carlinville 1, Lake

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status



In our last survey, Bluegill ranged from 2.0-6.7” in size. Ten fish (26.3%) were over 6”. No Bluegill exceeded 7”. Bluegill body condition is poor. This population is always going to have its challenges competing for food resources with Gizzard Shad.


Very Good

Eighteen Channel Catfish were collected in our survey, measuring 11.8-27.2”. Body Condition was low, suggesting that the stocking rate may need to be reduced. Channel Catfish were stocked in 2017 and 2019. IDNR will continue to stock Channel Catfish as hatchery production allows. Site Regulation: 6 fish daily limit.



Black and White Crappie are in this lake; however Black Crappie were the dominant species in our 2017 survey. Twenty-eight Black Crappie were collected and ranging in size from 5.5-10.6”. All Black Crappie collected exceeded 8”, 14.3% of which measured greater than 9”, and two fish (7.1%) exceeded 10”. Seven White Crappie were collected. All White Crappie exceeded 8”. The largest White Crappie measured 11.8”. These species are very prolific and can stunt out quickly if they have a successful spawn, therefore harvest is encouraged.



In 2017, 31 Largemouth Bass ranging from 3.1-15.0” were collected. No Largemouth Bass exceeded 15”. Fish less than 6” were collected, suggesting that natural reproduction is occurring. The catch rate of 31 bass/hour is 48% less than the goal.

Location: Lake Carlinville #1 resides in central Macoupin County, 3 miles south of Carlinville, Illinois.

Description: The lake is 155 acres with a shoreline length of 5.5 miles; watershed 16,678 acres; maximum depth 19 feet; average depth 9 feet.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: Carlinville Lake #1 was built in 1939 and entered into a cooperative management agreement with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources in 1995. This agreement was developed to improve fishing opportunities for the angling public. Carlinville Lake #1 currently only allows bank fishing.

Other species collected during the 2017 population survey included Redear Sunfish, Common Carp, Green Sunfish, Yellow Bullhead, Yellow Bass, Freshwater Drum, and Gizzard Shad.

Additional Lake Information: There is a concession stand on site. Swimming is allowed from Memorial Day through Labor Day. At this time (11/1/2018) only bank fishing is allowed. Boating and boat fishing is not allowed until further notice.

Two pole and line fishing only, and each pole must not have more than 2 hooks or lures attached while fishing.

Site Regulations:
Channel catfish: 6 fish daily harvest limit

Contact Information:
City of Carlinville
Carlinville Lake Campground
15927 Carlinville Lake Road, Carlinville, IL 62626
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Eric Ratcliff